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Grade equivalencies within the Francophone world
Viamonde’s Franco-Ontarian education system can differ from that of Quebec or a Francophone country in a number of ways: the total number of years between the first elementary grade and the final secondary grade, the subjects in the curriculum, what each grade is called, and so forth.
For example, Grade 12 at a Viamonde secondary school, in which most students are 17 years of age, corresponds to the first year of Cégep in Québec and the final year at a French lycée.
For a better understanding of the equivalences between Viamonde, schools in Quebec, and schools in European countries where French is spoken, please see the table in the link below. Most non-European Francophone countries, particularly those in Africa, have education systems similar to those in France or Belgium.
It won’t cost you anything to enrol your child at a Viamonde school. The only fees that are charged are for certain extracurricular activities, group outings, etc.
As our name indicates, Viamonde is open to the entire world. Just like our students, our teachers come from every part of the planet. Some 67 languages are spoken in our schools.
Of course! In order to operate a school, we need a variety of people with a variety of skills: office work, maintenance work, monitoring, to name just a few. If you are qualified to work in one of the trades or professions required for the operation of a school or a school board head office, please contact us.
In addition, we encourage all parents and guardians to volunteer in our schools.
Viamonde does not offer food services in elementary schools but catering service is offered in secondary schools. Also, many schools offer a breakfast and lunch program to their students. Contact your child’s school for more information.
Of course! In today’s world, English fluency is a must. For this reason, we teach English in our schools to the same standards as it is taught in English-language schools.
Yes, Viamonde offers school bus transportation to every student who is eligible. For the admission criteria, click here.