School Facilities Rentals
Rental of school facilities for community activities.

Viamonde makes its school facilities available to community organizations, associations, and individuals for activities that have civic, educational or cultural value. Priority is given to not-for-profit groups dedicated to Francophone youth.
Our schools are available for conferences, meetings, book launches, etc., in the evening, on weekends, and, provided they do not interfere with regular school activities, during class time.
Permit applications must include a liability insurance certificate
If the applicant does not have liability insurance coverage, it may ask Viamonde to request this coverage from its insurer, the Ontario School Boards' Insurance Exchange (OSBIE) at the OSBIE’s rate.
- For more information on rental permits, call 416 614-5937.
- For more information on community use and rental of Viamonde school facilities, please refer to School Board Policy Number 4,104 [French only] Politique 4,104 : Utilisation ou location des installations scolaires.
- To rent one of our school facilities, go to Cyberpermis.